Someday, Now

Katy J Pearson


22.00 23.00 £22.00 - £23.00 £22.00 - £23.00
  • Genre: Rock And Pop
  • Label: Heavenly
  • Released Date: 20th September 2024
  • Buying Format:
    1LP Coloured Vinyl
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Following 2020’s Return and 2022’s Sound of the Morning, Someday, Now sees Katy J Pearson’s signature acoustic-led, sweetly-voiced singer-songwriter fare transmuted through the desk of electronic producer Nathan Jenkins, aka Bullion. After a period of burnout, self-enforced exile from music-making, and solo travel, Pearson came back to her practice with clarity of mind and vision. “I knew exactly who I wanted to work with, I knew exactly who my session band were going to be, I knew where I wanted to record. It felt like I was finally calling the shots for myself, and that was so empowering”, she reflects.

Where previous Katy J Pearson records were made with a slower, more piecemeal approach, Someday, Now was rigorously written and rehearsed ahead of time, and laid down efficiently over a couple of weeks at Rockfield Studios in Monmouthshire, with a band composed of Heavenly label-mates Huw Evans [H. Hawkline, Aldous Harding, Cate Le Bon, and Pearson’s Sound of the Morning and The Wicker Man EP] and Davey Newington [Boy Azooga], along with fellow Broadside Hacks collaborator Joel Burton. It was engineered by Joe Jones [Aldous Harding, Dry Cleaning, Jane Weaver].

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Track Listings

  1. Those Goodbyes
  2. Save Me
  3. It's Mine Now
  4. Maybe
  5. Grand Final
  6. Long Range Driver
  7. Constant
  8. Someday
  9. Siren Song
  10. Sky

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